Uncovering Newport's interesting past

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Newport Charter of 1711

A detailed charter of 1711 describing how food should be sold at markets, requirements for going to church on a Sunday, looking after your hedges and paths and brewing small beer for the poor.

Volume 1, Number 9

Planting potatoes in town, throwing cardboard, stealing ham, the finest strawberries and an 11-year-old imprisoned and whipped for stealing coal.

Transporter Bridge Miscellany

Digging through the archives looking for interesting snippets such as fare for plebeians, a suggestion of putting a big Newport sign on the top, what the approaches should be called and the first suicide attempt.

Volume 1, Number 8

The Malpas Mud, stealing a piece of bacon, a new fire engine tested in Pill, an excited teetotaller, 'rounding off' the National Provincial Bank and a circus running out of beer.

When Miniature Golf Arrived in Newport

The Miniature Golf craze reached Newport in 1930 with the launch of an outdoor course and two indoor courses with the space of a few months. Here's the brief history of their arrival.

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